Shutterfly Christmas Card

With Love Chartreuse Christmas Card
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

berries, low country boil, graduation

We finally went berry picking at the Strawberry Fields. The funny thing about living right by the Strawberry Fields is that since we see them every single day that there is never really an urgency to go and actually pick the berries! We see everyone having so much fun out there picking and we just drive on by. The farm says that they are having their best season ever and they are bursting with sweet delicious berries.

I daresay they are right! The berries are delicious and plentiful. We just happened to go the day after a huge storm so it was muddy and cold too. We didn't care. And it wasn't crowded either (since it was Friday afternoon). Jay said he has never gone berry picking so we waited until he got home from work and took him (and Ashlyn) along.

The girls had fun stomping through the mud to try to find just the right berries.

Before we knew it, we had filled three buckets!

After picking berries, we went next door to a low country boil. It was a feast! Shrimp, crab legs, sausage, potatoes, corn...we were stuffed! It was a good time - thanks Turners!

Liv's 5th grade graduation was last night. It was a big event at the First Baptist Snellville church. Dad offered to take us to dinner before and it was her choice - Steak and Shake. We met at 5:00 so that we'd have plenty of time to get to the church by 6:30.

We had great seats and we settled down for the ceremony. 243 graduates later...and it was almost 9pm! But my sweet girl came away with an award in Music - for achievement in singing, playing instruments, and composition. We were very proud!

And here she is with Mrs. Davis

I was so happy that my dad came out to support her. He is always there for my kids and I am so grateful for that.

Two more days of school.....


melanie, aka Mo said...

Ruby, Georgia, and Lucy. Love those too. ALso, think your "Liv" is cute, but it would have to be "livvie" to match Ellie! Thanks for voting. Annabelle will almost certainly be her middle name, as it contains the all-important "anne" and I think I WOULD like to have two bellies. I could say things like, "These are my two bellies" or "Come on bellies, I don't have all day" and such! FUN, huh?

melanie, aka Mo said...

Oh, yea... and when I saw "to kill a mockingbird" on your profile, I was surprised you didnt' pick "scout". I have never seen that movie, but when it passes my lips as a favorite, most people seem to relate that movie to me. Just like Birdie, like on Hope Floats! Just an observation!