Shutterfly Christmas Card

With Love Chartreuse Christmas Card
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Saturday, November 15, 2008


Jay left early this morning to head to the Men's Prayer Breakfast at church. being a deacon means you have to do these things! Actually he did them before (a little) so it wasn't a big deal. The kids and I treated ourselves to the breakfast buffet at Golden Corral. Later, I treated myself to an emergency trip to the bathroom at Wal Mart. But I digress.

The kids and I headed to church because a group of us were getting together to start painting the Nativity scenes. We painted the tomb, Mary's house, and Ceasar's Palace. Just the base coat, mind you. All shading and accentying still needs to be done. It was COLD and windy. At one point, the wind was blowing so hard, it kept knocking our work over. It was at this point that we decided to call it a day. The kids played in the sandbox and on the playground but soon headed up to the Student Cafe to chill and get warm. It was a productive day.

The rest of the day we just chilled. I felt like I never got warm and it was almost 7pm before I came out from under the covers. I had to feed the kids because if I don't, no one else will. Right Jay?

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