Shutterfly Christmas Card

With Love Chartreuse Christmas Card
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Friday, January 4, 2008

Citizen of the Month

Olivia was chosen as Citizen of the Month for her fifth grade class. Jay, Mary and I enjoyed a brief celebration this morning at her school where she was presented with a certificate. Her chorus also sang for us in preparation for their January 17th concert at the Capitol. We were very proud. This was Olivia's second time receiving this honor - there is only one chosen each month and there are only nine school months. With 22+ kids in her class, well, not everyone is able to be chosen. And since I finally got my new camera (!) I was able to take some good shots and also to take some videos of them singing. Now hopefully I will be able to upload the pics and video to the blog.

Olivia receiving her certificate
from Dr. Epperson

Liv and her certificate (upside down!)

Mary and Olivia

In other random news, today was Mary's first day back at school and my first day back at work. I had to struggle to remember my class schedule - it seems like forever since school let out for the holidays! Someone had the cute idea for the teachers to have "secret pals" and give anonymous gifts in January and February. I received one today. It's a nice idea and kind of fun to wonder who had your name, but we are limited to $1-$3 for each gift. What can you possibly get for that amount? And I have a teacher that I've never even met before. But I do have a list of her likes and favorite things.

Otis went out the other night and stayed out for 24 hours! He chose the coldest night of the season to go catting around. We were all very worried about him and the kids were especially anxious. He came home wet, cold, and with a partially frozen tail. And starved for food and attention. Needless to say, he hasn't gone out at all today.

We went over to the Turner's for dinner tonight. Very, sodas, was all good.

The boys playing silly games

The kids playing in Ashlyn's

And just because she's cute...

Mary with her dog Coconut.

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