Shutterfly Christmas Card

With Love Chartreuse Christmas Card
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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Fun Day

We spent a fun day at the World of Coke Museum. It was a foggy, cool day but we didn't let that stop us. We headed downtown and made it to the museum by our reserved time - 1:00. That turned out to be a great time to go because when we left the museum at around 4pm, the line to get in was ridiculous. The kids enjoyed it - they learned a lot and had fun. Liv got to use her new camera and really, really enjoyed taking pics of every single thing she saw. But that's the fun part of having your very first digital camera, right? Right.

So, I took about 75 pictures....oh - by the way....want to see what Santa brought me?????

Yes, it's true. Now, my mission in life is to become a photographer. Not professionally but professional quality - does that make sense? I have a lot to learn - it's like learning a new language. But, I have a lot of friends who know a lot about photography so I have lots of resources.

Okay - back to the 75 pictures. I won't bore you with all of them but I will post a few of my favorites. By the way, my kids have beeeaauuutiful eyes. Love them and can't take enough pics of them.

Oh my goodness - those eyes!!!!

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