Today was a great day - lots going on, lots to be thankful for.
I ended up making about 4 dozen little tarts and I don't know how many sausage pinwheels to take for breakfast. They ended up looking fabulous on my Pampered Chef Chillzanne platter after I put some bright red strawberries in the center. What a shock when I got to my Sunday School class and not only did we have a guest teacher but about 10 extra people! It was almost standing room only! It was a very interesting talk - about the history of the New Testament Church and the Independent Christian Church. After that we went upstairs to hear Carlos preach a great sermon on Mat 6:25. You could tell he was very nervous at first but he settled down and really did a great job. I was able to sit with Sue Cates since Jay went to help Bobby cook down at the pavillion. We had a cookout after worship, hosted by Bobby's shepherding group (we are in his group) and the Women's Leadership Team was invited to attend as well. I grabbed a plate and followed the other ladies back to the Fellowship Hall for our meeting. I was on the Nominating Committee to help find replacements for certain positions that have become vacant. It was an arduous task to find someone to fill the President's position and I worried and stressed about it for days. After talking to Sue, I stopped worrying because all the worry wasn't helping me find an answer and I became convicted that the correct person or persons would be revealed to us at the right time. And they were. Sue and Wendy have promised to prayerfully consider being co-presidents. That would be a wonderful combination!
Alex went to play at his friends house this afternoon. He is currently grounded from watching tv, playing on the computer and from playing the GameCube. He has not been diligent with his school responsibilities. He completes his homework each day just as he is supposed to but he is not careful to actually turn the papers in when they are due. He did this (or didn't do this) two weeks in a row. So we are going to try to shift his focus away from the menial to the important by revoking certain privilages. He sure has been reading a lot!
Mary had her friend Ashlyn come over today. They played outside for a long time and then came in to work on a puzzle. I was able to tackle the dining room. It has become a war zone! We have gotten used to dumping our junk in there and leaving it because we can't see it from anywhere else in the house. It has gotten bad. I had Jay buy me a bookshelf so each kid could have a shelf to keep their school work on. This will also help Alex keep up with his homework each week. I sorted all the tons and tons of papers that we have. I need to buy baskets to keep these papers in so they remain organized. Jay also promised to hang the mirror that I've had leaning against the wall for a solid year now. It is huge, black, and beautiful and I can't wait until it is up. It may even happen tomorrow!!!! I asked Joel if he was up to helping out with it and he said yes. If I get my dining room in order I just may have to have a dinner party to celebrate!
Tomorrow is Monday - and you know I love my Mondays! Wendy has invited me to have lunch with her and I am really looking forward to it because we are going to Red Lobster. Yum!!!! I also have Tuesday off of work since it is election day. My school and the kids' school are closed. I hope I manage to make the time to vote. I don't know how I'll do it w/ all three kids home with me and Jay at work.
I didn't think I'd have anything to say on day #2 of NaBloPoMo but it has turned out to be a long post! Good for me!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
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