I was finally baptized into Christ tonight. Full immersion. Not just a sprinkle but a full fledged dip! It was a wonderful moment. Acts 2:38 says, "Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit". I wanted to be right with God. I knew in my heart that infant baptism is not biblical, but that full immersion baptism is. I understand that taking a dip is symbolic of Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection and signifies that I have been reborn in Him. I also understand that baptism is a public affirmation that I am IN CHRIST and that I have been obedient to His word. There were many people tonight that told me that they couldn't believe I had not already been baptized. I kind of felt bad about that, like I had been perpetrating fraud or something. I guess it all had to do with timing, of how the Lord had placed it on my heart, and how I was ready to submit. So, tonight was the night! The best part? Patrick baptized me. It just had to be him. I couldn't imagine anyone else doing it. I felt so at peace about it that I knew it had to be the right thing and the right time.
Here's some pics of some of my friends that came out to support me. Wow! It meant the world to me to have my church family surround me and share the moment with me.
Keri and Wendy
My Chase
Thanks Patrick!
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