She talked and talked and talked.
She sang. And sang. And sang. Really high - like she could break glass.
She took a bath.
She played in the dirt.
She picked flowers.
She threw rocks.
She climbed hills.
She played tag.
She ate watermelon.
She blew bubbles.
He played PS2.
He helped carry in the groceries.
He took a bath.
He played with action figures.
He played ball with his friend.
He threw rocks with another friend.
He ate watermelon.
He wore a new shirt.
He hugged me.

He played PS2.
He helped carry in the groceries.
He took a bath.
He played with action figures.
He played ball with his friend.
He threw rocks with another friend.
He ate watermelon.
He wore a new shirt.
He hugged me.
She spent the night at Mimi's.
She came home way early from Mimi's.
She faked being homesick.
She played at the playground.
She read.
She played Guitar Hero.
She played with Becca.
She ate Icee Pops.
She talked on the phone.

She spent the night at Mimi's.
She came home way early from Mimi's.
She faked being homesick.
She played at the playground.
She read.
She played Guitar Hero.
She played with Becca.
She ate Icee Pops.
She talked on the phone.
Today was a relatively quiet day. We stayed at home except for a brief trip to Chick-fil-A to get lunch. We had a picnic down at the playground w/ the Tanzosch family. It was a beautiful day - a slight breeze, some sun but not too much. It was nice. I had a long list of household things I wanted to do but guess what? Didn't do any of them. Not a one! Jay said that it was okay because I was on Spring Break too. I'll take that explanation!
We went to the new Kroger in Loganville tonight. Not sure why I thought it was going to be an event but it was just a stressful trip to the grocery store. Mary was absolutely crazy and I just wanted to get out of there. Sometimes I just don't know what to do with her. I'd like to wring her neck but the authorities may frown upon that! When we got home, the kids went to the playground with Amy, Nathan and Becca. It was a nice relaxing way to end the day.
I hope that I get around to doing a few of the things on my to-do list tomorrow! But if not, well, there's always Saturday!
1 comment:
I laughed out loud at this post especially the part about the authorities frowning on you wringing Mary's neck!
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