I saw this on Anna Jane's website...it was an Easter posting but I'm just now getting around to saving it.
1 Corinthians 15:42
Our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we die, but they will be raised to live forever. 43 Our bodies are buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength. 44 They are buried as natural human bodies, but they will be raised as spiritual bodies... 53 For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies. 54 Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be fulfilled:"Death is swallowed up in victory.O death, where is your victory?O grave, where is your sting?"
He is risen.He is risen indeed!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Game Ranch
Fun day at the Game Ranch. It was a whirlwind, as we had to do the entire ranch in 1.5 hours. But we managed. The kids loved feeding the animals. I have some great pics but I have some priceless videos. Mary was fearless as usual. Bubby was cautious but did enjoy himself. Whenever we go back, we should definitely go early in the morning when the animals are more active. The deer were nuts and were all over us!

It was a hoot. Lots of fun - too much for MayMay. She ended up taking a 3 hour nap and went to bed at almost her usual time. Good for her - she has no idea what's in store for her tomorrow. SHOTS. All three kids. It's going to suck but since I don't have a real job, I don't have a choice but to endure it. Tis my lot.
This is the kids' favorite video of the day. They especially liked the part where I told Mary not to stick the carrot stick up the deer's butt!
It was a hoot. Lots of fun - too much for MayMay. She ended up taking a 3 hour nap and went to bed at almost her usual time. Good for her - she has no idea what's in store for her tomorrow. SHOTS. All three kids. It's going to suck but since I don't have a real job, I don't have a choice but to endure it. Tis my lot.
This is the kids' favorite video of the day. They especially liked the part where I told Mary not to stick the carrot stick up the deer's butt!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Cute Pictures
It was a good weekend.
We celebrated Natalie's birthday on Saturday night by going to dinner and a movie. It's always a good time with Natalie and Albie. Albie is particularly hilarious when it comes to good food. He couldn't contain his excitement at being at Dominick's. We had to have the crab cakes. We had to have the garlic bread. We talked about different sauces, half orders, full orders. I ordered the eggplant parmesan. I loves me some eggplant parmesan! Jay and I had the leftovers for dinner tonight. It was a little salty but overall very good. Even Mary ate some of it. I told her it was lasagna and she gobbled it up.
After dinner we went to see Leatherheads. It was okay - I didn't love it but I didn't hate it either. If it had been on tv, I probably would have switched the channel. The second half was much better than the first so at least it ended well. Jay enjoyed it.
We were supposed to have the Sunday School social today but since we woke up to rain, I figured it was canceled. Well, it was just moved to the Fellowship Hall. It was okay, the food was decent but the wild kids were on my last nerve. There are some kids who are allowed to run everywhere, on the stage, around in circles, screaming.
Tomorrow is the Game Ranch with Alex's class. Mary is going to skip school and go with us. She actually has a field trip to the Strawberry Field but since we live right there, it's not a big deal to miss it. I'm looking forward to it, it's been a long time since we've been to the Ranch.
Here are some fun pics from last week.

Sweet McKennah at the playground.

The Three Muskateers (or the Three Stooges?)

Working hard!

Just off the bus and ready to relax.

Ready to play!
We celebrated Natalie's birthday on Saturday night by going to dinner and a movie. It's always a good time with Natalie and Albie. Albie is particularly hilarious when it comes to good food. He couldn't contain his excitement at being at Dominick's. We had to have the crab cakes. We had to have the garlic bread. We talked about different sauces, half orders, full orders. I ordered the eggplant parmesan. I loves me some eggplant parmesan! Jay and I had the leftovers for dinner tonight. It was a little salty but overall very good. Even Mary ate some of it. I told her it was lasagna and she gobbled it up.
After dinner we went to see Leatherheads. It was okay - I didn't love it but I didn't hate it either. If it had been on tv, I probably would have switched the channel. The second half was much better than the first so at least it ended well. Jay enjoyed it.
We were supposed to have the Sunday School social today but since we woke up to rain, I figured it was canceled. Well, it was just moved to the Fellowship Hall. It was okay, the food was decent but the wild kids were on my last nerve. There are some kids who are allowed to run everywhere, on the stage, around in circles, screaming.
Tomorrow is the Game Ranch with Alex's class. Mary is going to skip school and go with us. She actually has a field trip to the Strawberry Field but since we live right there, it's not a big deal to miss it. I'm looking forward to it, it's been a long time since we've been to the Ranch.
Here are some fun pics from last week.
Sweet McKennah at the playground.
The Three Muskateers (or the Three Stooges?)
Working hard!
Just off the bus and ready to relax.
Ready to play!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Well, I forgot to ask my kids what day of the week it was. But we did sing the alphabet song and learned a few new words.
Ally came home with me and that was a disaster. She and Mary butted heads all afternoon long. They are both so headstrong. And then when we had dinner with her parents, Ally showed out like she always does. It was a little stressful for a bit.
5 More Random things About Me
Ally came home with me and that was a disaster. She and Mary butted heads all afternoon long. They are both so headstrong. And then when we had dinner with her parents, Ally showed out like she always does. It was a little stressful for a bit.
5 More Random things About Me
- I love Pierrot. Always have and always will.
- I hate moving the clothes from the washer to the dryer.
- I hate it when people can't type with all five fingers like they are supposed to.
- I hate animation and never laugh at it.
- I always drink out of straws when I'm in a restaurant.
An awful lot of those started with "I hate". I'm going to try a different approach...
- I love Mexican food.
- I love praise music.
- I love rainy afternoons when I don't have to be anywhere.
- I love my iPod.
- I love to entertain and try new recipes. (no news there)
Tomorrow there is a soccer game, then dinner and a movie with The Gang (kids are going to Papi's house). Sunday I have to teach and then we have a Sunday School social afterwards at Lilburn park. Fun Fun.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Shhh...don't tell anyone because they won't believe it. I've tried not to dwell on it because I'm afraid it will go away. Any idea what I'm talking about? None at all?
It's Mary.
I have been enjoying her so much lately. She normally drives me absolutely crazy but I've had to stop and take a step back and remember she's only four years old. I have enjoyed watching her play with her friends, play by herself, brush my hair, take care of her babies, color or paint, chase the cat. But mostly I've enjoyed watching her interact with her friends. She and McKennah have been spending a lot of time together and I think it's a perfect fit. I appreciate Stacey calling for Mary so often - it makes both of us happy! But she doesn't just play with McKennah. Of course there's Ashlyn. And Riley, and Becca, and boys if they'll play with her. And she plays with Ally (she'll be coming over tomorrow). Tonight we went to McDonald's and Mary played with a random girl there! She usually doesn't do that. It's not a shy thing, it's a stubborn thing. Anyway, she is my sweet girl and I'm trying to remember that everyday - even when she misbehaves - she is still my sweet baby girl.
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5 Random Things About Me:
Tomorrow is Friday. TGIF! Friday is my favorite day of the week, remember? Viva el viernes! I have to remember to ask my kindergartners what day of the week it is. Most of the time they get it. Most of the time.
It's Mary.
I have been enjoying her so much lately. She normally drives me absolutely crazy but I've had to stop and take a step back and remember she's only four years old. I have enjoyed watching her play with her friends, play by herself, brush my hair, take care of her babies, color or paint, chase the cat. But mostly I've enjoyed watching her interact with her friends. She and McKennah have been spending a lot of time together and I think it's a perfect fit. I appreciate Stacey calling for Mary so often - it makes both of us happy! But she doesn't just play with McKennah. Of course there's Ashlyn. And Riley, and Becca, and boys if they'll play with her. And she plays with Ally (she'll be coming over tomorrow). Tonight we went to McDonald's and Mary played with a random girl there! She usually doesn't do that. It's not a shy thing, it's a stubborn thing. Anyway, she is my sweet girl and I'm trying to remember that everyday - even when she misbehaves - she is still my sweet baby girl.
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5 Random Things About Me:
- I hate commercials on the tv. Must mute them all.
- I load my dishwasher in a very particular way. In almost 14 years of wedded bliss, my dh has yet to figure it out.
- I think Jamie Oliver is a very dirty little man.
- Sunflowers scare me. They look like they should have faces on them and start talking.
- I can't walk barefoot. It hurts.
Tomorrow is Friday. TGIF! Friday is my favorite day of the week, remember? Viva el viernes! I have to remember to ask my kindergartners what day of the week it is. Most of the time they get it. Most of the time.
Monday, April 21, 2008
I got the saddest news this afternoon.
Vicki T., called me and told me that Patrick had turned in his resignation to Seth today. The public announcement will be made on Wednesday but she didn't want me to be blindsided by it. I really appreciated the thought but honestly - I was still blindsided! It wouldn't have been easy to hear anytime though. He has accepted a position at his previous church in Ohio. Both his and Terri's family (and their oldest son) is in Ohio so it makes perfect sense. He is leaving the music ministry and taking an executive pastoral position. I don't know anything about anything but from what Vicki said, it sounds like he would be well suited for this job. But geez, I can't imagine a day at MCCC w/out Patrick there. He came to see me at the hospital when I had my hernia surgery. Terri brought us dinner afterwards. Chase is my Chase. He totally humored Mary and her attitude. He loved on Alex and acted like he actually understood his conversation. The choir - where do I start with the choir? I have never enjoyed anything as much as I have enjoyed singing in the choir. I will never forget that day in 06 when Patrick made me stand up in the gym in front of everyone at a pep rally/basketball game and made me commit to being in the Living Tree that Christmas. I liked the tree so much that I participated in it the next year too. Along w/ Olivia, Alex and Mary. And Mexico? What can I say about Mexico? I have learned so much from him by seeing him in action on two mission trips to Mexico. He embodies all the greatest spiritual
traits, he knows so much about so many things.
I could go on and on. Just suffice it to say that this was a sad day for me. I will miss the entire family, both at church and outside of church. It just won't be the same.
Vicki T., called me and told me that Patrick had turned in his resignation to Seth today. The public announcement will be made on Wednesday but she didn't want me to be blindsided by it. I really appreciated the thought but honestly - I was still blindsided! It wouldn't have been easy to hear anytime though. He has accepted a position at his previous church in Ohio. Both his and Terri's family (and their oldest son) is in Ohio so it makes perfect sense. He is leaving the music ministry and taking an executive pastoral position. I don't know anything about anything but from what Vicki said, it sounds like he would be well suited for this job. But geez, I can't imagine a day at MCCC w/out Patrick there. He came to see me at the hospital when I had my hernia surgery. Terri brought us dinner afterwards. Chase is my Chase. He totally humored Mary and her attitude. He loved on Alex and acted like he actually understood his conversation. The choir - where do I start with the choir? I have never enjoyed anything as much as I have enjoyed singing in the choir. I will never forget that day in 06 when Patrick made me stand up in the gym in front of everyone at a pep rally/basketball game and made me commit to being in the Living Tree that Christmas. I liked the tree so much that I participated in it the next year too. Along w/ Olivia, Alex and Mary. And Mexico? What can I say about Mexico? I have learned so much from him by seeing him in action on two mission trips to Mexico. He embodies all the greatest spiritual
traits, he knows so much about so many things.
I could go on and on. Just suffice it to say that this was a sad day for me. I will miss the entire family, both at church and outside of church. It just won't be the same.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Sunday Night Blues
It's Sunday. Again. Why do I always feel so blue on Sundays? Because we have to go to work/school tomorrow? I don't feel blue any other day before work/school. And I love my Mondays - me home alone. The only day of the week where I get a few hours home alone.
Oh well. Nothing to do but get over it.
Great news! Mine and Olivia's mission trips are paid in full as of today! That was a wonderful surprise because I thought we still had a ways to go. We had a looong meeting today and nailed down a lot of details. Of course none of it matters because schedules always change, time frames go out the window, and we are expected to be flexible! I hope Liv will be able to handle it all. I'm guessing she will though, she's a really good traveller. Oh, btw, I checked our passports and both are good until 2010.
Happy Birthday to McKennah! She had a fabulous backyard splash party today. It was great because the kiddos played while the mamas relaxed. There were kid drinks and not-so-kiddie drinks. It was all good! While Mary and I were at the party, Jay took Liv and Alex out for a fun afternoon. We came home and they were all happy.
BTW, where are the pictures?
It's Sunday. Again. Why do I always feel so blue on Sundays? Because we have to go to work/school tomorrow? I don't feel blue any other day before work/school. And I love my Mondays - me home alone. The only day of the week where I get a few hours home alone.
Oh well. Nothing to do but get over it.
Great news! Mine and Olivia's mission trips are paid in full as of today! That was a wonderful surprise because I thought we still had a ways to go. We had a looong meeting today and nailed down a lot of details. Of course none of it matters because schedules always change, time frames go out the window, and we are expected to be flexible! I hope Liv will be able to handle it all. I'm guessing she will though, she's a really good traveller. Oh, btw, I checked our passports and both are good until 2010.
Happy Birthday to McKennah! She had a fabulous backyard splash party today. It was great because the kiddos played while the mamas relaxed. There were kid drinks and not-so-kiddie drinks. It was all good! While Mary and I were at the party, Jay took Liv and Alex out for a fun afternoon. We came home and they were all happy.
BTW, where are the pictures?
Monday, April 14, 2008
The geese are here!
There are geese at Mount Carmel that make a nest every single year. The nest is always in the same place, across from the front entrance of the school just beyond the portico. We had come out of Sunday School yesterday and just happened to look outside. We saw the Mama Goose leading her little goslings (is that right?) across the street back to their nest. It was truly a sight.
Walking back up the hill to her nest.
Settling into the nest. Cute!
Hanging by the gym.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
What? Spring Break Is Over?
I can't believe it. Spring Break 2008 is officially over.
I have to say that even though we didn't go out of town, we had a very good week. It was action packed but not too action packed, kwim? We did some fun things and we also relaxed at home. Friday was a stay at home day. Livi invited her friend Emily to come and spend the night. She was supposed to be dropped off somewhere around 10:30 in the morning so we spent a lot of time waiting on her. She finally got here ar around 1:00. I was happy because I was able to watch my story! The first time this week - mailto:*!@ that darn VCR. But, as with most trashy soaps, it was pretty easy to figure out all that I had missed.
So, we had a yummy steak dinner that I had to pan fry because the little birdies have built their nest on our grill again. After dinner, the girls and I packed up and headed to Ms. Wendy's house for a sweet visit. Mary was entertaining as usual and had Ms. Wendy waiting on her hand and foot. It was nice to hang with her a bit on a Friday night.
Saturday morning, Wendy and I went to our 1st cooking class at the church. It was fun being with the ladies - I'll have to let you know about the casserole that I made because we haven't eaten it yet. And we might not until tomorrow - or the next day.
I have to say that even though we didn't go out of town, we had a very good week. It was action packed but not too action packed, kwim? We did some fun things and we also relaxed at home. Friday was a stay at home day. Livi invited her friend Emily to come and spend the night. She was supposed to be dropped off somewhere around 10:30 in the morning so we spent a lot of time waiting on her. She finally got here ar around 1:00. I was happy because I was able to watch my story! The first time this week - mailto:*!@ that darn VCR. But, as with most trashy soaps, it was pretty easy to figure out all that I had missed.
So, we had a yummy steak dinner that I had to pan fry because the little birdies have built their nest on our grill again. After dinner, the girls and I packed up and headed to Ms. Wendy's house for a sweet visit. Mary was entertaining as usual and had Ms. Wendy waiting on her hand and foot. It was nice to hang with her a bit on a Friday night.
Saturday morning, Wendy and I went to our 1st cooking class at the church. It was fun being with the ladies - I'll have to let you know about the casserole that I made because we haven't eaten it yet. And we might not until tomorrow - or the next day.
Me, Wendy, Trudy, Carrie, Joyce, Cindy, Joy and Angie (kneeling)
The finished product - Chicken and Rice Casserole
After the class, we actually had a date to have lunch with my dad. Guess where? Of course - The Buffet!!! So, that's where we went and had a big lunch. In the afternoon, we went to Hobby Lobby so Liv could pick out some furniture for her dollhouse. Since it was so late on Saturday, Em ended up staying another night and going to church with us this morning. What a treat! She was happy to see some old friends and they were happy to see her. It was all good.
When we got home from church, we all went next door for a marathon cleaning session of the Turner home. They were scheduled to come home sometime this afternoon and I thought since there wasn't much you could do for a grieving couple, a quick clean up would be a great idea. I had the entire crew working - we swept, we mopped, we cleaned toilets and bathrooms, we vacuumed, we cleaned windows. I hope they appreciated it and actually noticed it!
I wonder why everyone was so excited about going to clean the neighbor's house but no one wanted to come and clean our house? Hmmmmmm...
So, Good bye Spring Break 08 CRCT - here we come!
Random Pics...
Little Son
Livi and Emily
Crazy bunch of kiddos
Me and my boy...
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Spring Break - Day #4
She talked and talked and talked.
She sang. And sang. And sang. Really high - like she could break glass.
She took a bath.
She played in the dirt.
She picked flowers.
She threw rocks.
She climbed hills.
She played tag.
She ate watermelon.
She blew bubbles.
Today was a relatively quiet day. We stayed at home except for a brief trip to Chick-fil-A to get lunch. We had a picnic down at the playground w/ the Tanzosch family. It was a beautiful day - a slight breeze, some sun but not too much. It was nice. I had a long list of household things I wanted to do but guess what? Didn't do any of them. Not a one! Jay said that it was okay because I was on Spring Break too. I'll take that explanation!
We went to the new Kroger in Loganville tonight. Not sure why I thought it was going to be an event but it was just a stressful trip to the grocery store. Mary was absolutely crazy and I just wanted to get out of there. Sometimes I just don't know what to do with her. I'd like to wring her neck but the authorities may frown upon that! When we got home, the kids went to the playground with Amy, Nathan and Becca. It was a nice relaxing way to end the day.
I hope that I get around to doing a few of the things on my to-do list tomorrow! But if not, well, there's always Saturday!
She talked and talked and talked.
She sang. And sang. And sang. Really high - like she could break glass.
She took a bath.
She played in the dirt.
She picked flowers.
She threw rocks.
She climbed hills.
She played tag.
She ate watermelon.
She blew bubbles.
He played PS2.
He helped carry in the groceries.
He took a bath.
He played with action figures.
He played ball with his friend.
He threw rocks with another friend.
He ate watermelon.
He wore a new shirt.
He hugged me.

He played PS2.
He helped carry in the groceries.
He took a bath.
He played with action figures.
He played ball with his friend.
He threw rocks with another friend.
He ate watermelon.
He wore a new shirt.
He hugged me.
She spent the night at Mimi's.
She came home way early from Mimi's.
She faked being homesick.
She played at the playground.
She read.
She played Guitar Hero.
She played with Becca.
She ate Icee Pops.
She talked on the phone.

She spent the night at Mimi's.
She came home way early from Mimi's.
She faked being homesick.
She played at the playground.
She read.
She played Guitar Hero.
She played with Becca.
She ate Icee Pops.
She talked on the phone.
Today was a relatively quiet day. We stayed at home except for a brief trip to Chick-fil-A to get lunch. We had a picnic down at the playground w/ the Tanzosch family. It was a beautiful day - a slight breeze, some sun but not too much. It was nice. I had a long list of household things I wanted to do but guess what? Didn't do any of them. Not a one! Jay said that it was okay because I was on Spring Break too. I'll take that explanation!
We went to the new Kroger in Loganville tonight. Not sure why I thought it was going to be an event but it was just a stressful trip to the grocery store. Mary was absolutely crazy and I just wanted to get out of there. Sometimes I just don't know what to do with her. I'd like to wring her neck but the authorities may frown upon that! When we got home, the kids went to the playground with Amy, Nathan and Becca. It was a nice relaxing way to end the day.
I hope that I get around to doing a few of the things on my to-do list tomorrow! But if not, well, there's always Saturday!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Spring Break - Day #3
Today was our day with Vegas Mimi.
We met Mary Ann at Target this morning at 10:30 for some marathon shopping. Each kid got a boat load of clothes! I am so grateful to Mimi for everything she does for our kids. She always blesses them with clothes, shoes, and whatever else they need or just ask for. After the shopping spree we had lunch at Steak and Shake - always a treat I must say! The waiter was awesome and got us in and out in just enough time for the movie. We saw Horton Hears a Who. Loved it! Jay was cracking up during the entire film. The kids were laughing too. I enjoyed it - not laughing out loud enjoyed it but I still liked it a lot. Everyone loves Dr. Seuss! It was a great day. When we got home, Mary had to put on her new bikini - pink polk dots! I should have taken a picture but I didn't. Somehow, I think I'll have another opportunity tomorrow. The other Mimi - Alpaca Mimi - came by to pick Olivia up for a couple of days. They went to her house to spend some quality time sewing. Livi has a knack for sewing and Mimi has been wanting to show her all her tricks.
Jay took Alex out for a bit, Mary was at McKennah's house...I was home all alone. What did I do? I started reading the dozens of People magazines that Mary Ann gave me! Heaven! After a while, I went to pick Mary up and ended up bring McKennah home with me. This was the first time that she came over to our house since her heart surgery. I was so excited! When it was time for us to go to dinner, McKennah asked if she could come too. What? Seriously? So we took her with us!
She behaved very well, much better than Mary did! Mary looks sad in this picture because 1)she was grumpy because we wouldn't let her watch the Power Ranger movie before we left the house and 2) because her menu got wet from her drink. Whatever. McKennah was very sweet and ate all her dinner. What a pleasure! I hope she will want to come and spend more time with us very soon...like maybe tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Spring Break - Day #2
Day #2 was a success! Jay and I slept late and then we went to the gym together. He rode the bike (again!) and I used the treadmill - 3 miles and I even started to jog a little! Yeah me! We saw Tara and Natalie there working the cardio circuit. After we got cleaned up, we went to pick the kids up from my dad's. They are so lucky - he dotes on them and always shows them a good time. He took us to lunch - we went to Melton's not far from where he lives. We dropped him off at home and the rest of us headed downtown to the Imagine It! Children's Museum. The kids were excited about going, and I was too because we had never been there and also because it was free today. Yes, free. It's normally $11 a person so we saved $55 today! And I am so glad. It's not that I was disappointed by the museum, but I guess if I had had to pay $55, it so would not have been worth it. The kids had a good time - see the slideshow below - and enjoyed each activity at the museum. Honestly, Liv was a little old for it, it's mostly geared to younger kids. They all three really loved the moon sand exhibit and stayed there the longest.
It was a beautiful day - not hot, not cold. It was sunny which was wonderful after so many days of rain! I didn't realize the Children's Museum is right across the street from the Coke Museum and the Georgia Aquarium. And right across the street from Centennial Olympic Park. Afterwards, we took the kids across the street so they could play on the playground at the Park. I think the kids had a really good time.
We stopped at Fellini's for dinner. It has been years since we have eaten there and it brought back a lot of memories. Of course Alex loved having pizza. And their pizza is soooo good! We came home exhausted but happy. The kids went to bed without a peep. After all, we must rest for our big Day #3!
It was a beautiful day - not hot, not cold. It was sunny which was wonderful after so many days of rain! I didn't realize the Children's Museum is right across the street from the Coke Museum and the Georgia Aquarium. And right across the street from Centennial Olympic Park. Afterwards, we took the kids across the street so they could play on the playground at the Park. I think the kids had a really good time.
We stopped at Fellini's for dinner. It has been years since we have eaten there and it brought back a lot of memories. Of course Alex loved having pizza. And their pizza is soooo good! We came home exhausted but happy. The kids went to bed without a peep. After all, we must rest for our big Day #3!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Spring Break Day #1
My dad invited the kids to come and spend the night with him tonight. What was that? A night alone with my husband? Could it be? Oh my! Somehow this always happens...our night alone turns into a big night out with all of our friends! But that's okay because that is always fun too. We went out to dinner with Tara and Phil, Natalie and Allen, Julie and Joe. It was SO good to see Julie and Joe because I haven't been out with them in forever. Their kids are in Florida so they were able to comply with the only rule of the night - NO KIDS ALLOWED!!! The rest of the week is about them, Jay has even taken two days off this week to do fun things with the kids, so I didn't feel bad at all.
I had to go next door and take care of the animals today. I took Mary with me and I am so glad that I did. She knew exactly what I was supposed to do and where everything was. Thanks Mary! The kids packed their bags and we headed into town to Papi's house. I checked out some movies to see if maybe he would feel like taking the kids. Luckily I found Nim's Island playing very close to his house. After lunch, I left them and headed to Lynnette's house to pick her up. Today was her birthday and I had not seen her in months - literally like eight months! So since I had to drive down to the airport, I asked her if she wanted to come along. It was a fun way to pass the time on the road! Thanks Lynnette! I got to hear all about her new boyfriend and all the news with her family. I picked Melinda up from the airport (she was on her way back from Mexico) and I took her home. By that time it was almost 5:00 and I had just enough time to call Jay to let him know about our plans.
We went to Longhorn's - and I didn't eat chicken! It was all good! Thank God for good friends and being able to spend time with them!
I had to go next door and take care of the animals today. I took Mary with me and I am so glad that I did. She knew exactly what I was supposed to do and where everything was. Thanks Mary! The kids packed their bags and we headed into town to Papi's house. I checked out some movies to see if maybe he would feel like taking the kids. Luckily I found Nim's Island playing very close to his house. After lunch, I left them and headed to Lynnette's house to pick her up. Today was her birthday and I had not seen her in months - literally like eight months! So since I had to drive down to the airport, I asked her if she wanted to come along. It was a fun way to pass the time on the road! Thanks Lynnette! I got to hear all about her new boyfriend and all the news with her family. I picked Melinda up from the airport (she was on her way back from Mexico) and I took her home. By that time it was almost 5:00 and I had just enough time to call Jay to let him know about our plans.
We went to Longhorn's - and I didn't eat chicken! It was all good! Thank God for good friends and being able to spend time with them!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
some pictures...
There were some fabulous views out front that Liv pointed out to me as we headed out to the bus stop the other day. The bushes were wet from the rain and it just looked amazing. I am still trying to figure out the settings on my camera...some turned out much better than others. I knew I should have gotten the Nikon when I had the chance. Although that would have been even more complicated. Oh well, there's always Mother's Day, right?
The nandina bush out front.
Why did this focus on the pine straw in the background?
Much better.
Okay! Enough already!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
My kids
As I was logging in to update this blog, I took a long look at the header picture. Those are some cute kids! I remember what fun we had that day. I look at their sweet faces and I immediately think of a million ways that they are different, yet somehow, as their arms are intertwined with each other, I am reminded of their very special sibling bond. I am grateful that there are three of them. Each will have two siblings to count on, each will share a distinct but special relationship with the other. How amazing is that? I can only pray that they will continue to be as close, even closer, in the future and that they will always realize that above all else, they are family and nothing is more special.
Okay - on with the blogging!
What a treat to be able to sleep in this morning! It rained all night long. As I was stirring awake this morning, I heard the soft sound of a light drizzle. Ahhhhh...it lulled me right back to sleep. I heard movement downstairs, no voices but I did hear the tv. I looked over at Jay - still snoozing away. Perfect. I knew the kids would be hungry soon so I went downstairs to make some pancakes (an absolute cinch with my handy dandy family sized griddle!). Breakfast was ready in no time. It was uncharacteristically quiet at the breakfast table. Hmmmm.... And then it hit me...Mary was still asleep! The little dynamo was still resting so she would have all her energy to drive us crazy for yet another day! Bless her!
Jay took Alex and Mary to see his dad at the hospital. It was their first time meeting their grandfather. Jay says it went well and that they had a nice visit. He took them to the Varsity afterwards for lunch. This left me and Liv home alone. We decided to out for our own special lunch together. It was very nice! I don't often get to spend time alone with her but we did today and it was wonderful. She is a great kid. I took her to her friend's birthday party after lunch. I got my instructions to pick her up in two hours and I was off to get a mani/pedi. Bliss. My toes are so thankful! They look ready to wear those cute new sandals I bought weeks ago when I thought spring had sprung. Who knew that we would continue to have winter like weather? Maybe tomorrow....I hope!
I have lots of plans for Spring Break - I hope I get to do half of them. It's beginning to look like the one week off isn't nearly enough! I don't know when I'll find the time to go to the gym next week since everyone will be home. I'll have to make the time and just force the troops to go with me. Yeah right...easier said than done.
Okay - on with the blogging!
What a treat to be able to sleep in this morning! It rained all night long. As I was stirring awake this morning, I heard the soft sound of a light drizzle. Ahhhhh...it lulled me right back to sleep. I heard movement downstairs, no voices but I did hear the tv. I looked over at Jay - still snoozing away. Perfect. I knew the kids would be hungry soon so I went downstairs to make some pancakes (an absolute cinch with my handy dandy family sized griddle!). Breakfast was ready in no time. It was uncharacteristically quiet at the breakfast table. Hmmmm.... And then it hit me...Mary was still asleep! The little dynamo was still resting so she would have all her energy to drive us crazy for yet another day! Bless her!
Jay took Alex and Mary to see his dad at the hospital. It was their first time meeting their grandfather. Jay says it went well and that they had a nice visit. He took them to the Varsity afterwards for lunch. This left me and Liv home alone. We decided to out for our own special lunch together. It was very nice! I don't often get to spend time alone with her but we did today and it was wonderful. She is a great kid. I took her to her friend's birthday party after lunch. I got my instructions to pick her up in two hours and I was off to get a mani/pedi. Bliss. My toes are so thankful! They look ready to wear those cute new sandals I bought weeks ago when I thought spring had sprung. Who knew that we would continue to have winter like weather? Maybe tomorrow....I hope!
I have lots of plans for Spring Break - I hope I get to do half of them. It's beginning to look like the one week off isn't nearly enough! I don't know when I'll find the time to go to the gym next week since everyone will be home. I'll have to make the time and just force the troops to go with me. Yeah right...easier said than done.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Rain, rain, go away...
What a miserable day! It rained just about the entire day. And it was a cold rain. The kind where you should just stay home and sleep. But, Friday is my favorite day, remember? So, I got the big kids off to school - after pumping Liv full of random Social Studies facts - and then had to go out to get flowers for Mary's teachers. Teacher Appreciation Week. We were late - of course. But then I was off to work! Dozens of little preschoolers were anxiously awaiting my arrival to learn a bit of Spanish. Los tres chivos van de vacation. Tienen diez libros en el tren. Gradios! Whatever. Thankfully, it went fairly fast today. I made a quick stop at JoAnne's - love that store! I went looking for hair ribbon for Mary and just had a wonderful time browsing through each aisle. I got two craft projects and some sewing stuff. I just hated that I had to leave so soon! But, poor little Mary - she was waiting to be picked up.
Joel called soon after we got home. His mom has taken a turn for the worse and he and Lisa decided to leave for Charlotte today. He said his mom was unresponsive. A difficult situation had gotten that much worse. My heart just broke for him. I have walked this path before, I know exactly how he feels. My mother became unresponsive just two days before she passed. I didn't understand the lack of urgency in getting on the road as soon as possible but I can't know how he is handling his grief. At this point in her journey, there is nothing left to do but rely on faith and hope. We have put our hope in the living God (1 Timothy 4:10). So, we are looking after their dog, cats and fish for the duration. *sigh* I will pray for their continued peace as they witness their mom/mother-in-law/grandmother pass into eternity. I know these days are hard but the days to come will be so much harder. {{Joel and Lisa}}
We went to visit Jay's dad yesterday. He was supposed to be moved to a private room so we were expecting to be able to see him. When we got there, he was still waiting for a room. Jay snuck Liv back there for a few minutes but the other two couldn't go back. We were able to visit with Carol, though. It was the first time that either kid saw her. Brother Joe showed up later and the kids had a great time playing with him. Jay wants to go back tomorrow to try again - this time we know he is in his own room. And he is supposed to be discharged on Sunday. Once he gets back to Jasper, we may seriously never see him again. Mary's game has already been cancelled because of the heavy rains today so we actually have the entire day free. We are going to try to make it to the Dogwood Festival - it's just down the street from the hospital so that will work out fine. I hope the Festival isn't rained out like it was today!
Joel called soon after we got home. His mom has taken a turn for the worse and he and Lisa decided to leave for Charlotte today. He said his mom was unresponsive. A difficult situation had gotten that much worse. My heart just broke for him. I have walked this path before, I know exactly how he feels. My mother became unresponsive just two days before she passed. I didn't understand the lack of urgency in getting on the road as soon as possible but I can't know how he is handling his grief. At this point in her journey, there is nothing left to do but rely on faith and hope. We have put our hope in the living God (1 Timothy 4:10). So, we are looking after their dog, cats and fish for the duration. *sigh* I will pray for their continued peace as they witness their mom/mother-in-law/grandmother pass into eternity. I know these days are hard but the days to come will be so much harder. {{Joel and Lisa}}
We went to visit Jay's dad yesterday. He was supposed to be moved to a private room so we were expecting to be able to see him. When we got there, he was still waiting for a room. Jay snuck Liv back there for a few minutes but the other two couldn't go back. We were able to visit with Carol, though. It was the first time that either kid saw her. Brother Joe showed up later and the kids had a great time playing with him. Jay wants to go back tomorrow to try again - this time we know he is in his own room. And he is supposed to be discharged on Sunday. Once he gets back to Jasper, we may seriously never see him again. Mary's game has already been cancelled because of the heavy rains today so we actually have the entire day free. We are going to try to make it to the Dogwood Festival - it's just down the street from the hospital so that will work out fine. I hope the Festival isn't rained out like it was today!
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