I guess it was a little less then 12 years ago...I was working at Summit Bank at the Main Office. I went to eat Chinese food for lunch with some coworkers. It didn't sit well with me and I had an upset stomach. Well, this was the first of several "upset stomachs" that I had over the course of the next week or so. I finally took a pg test - positive. I took another pg test - positive. I think I may have even taken a third before I called my nephrologist (I was under her care for a recently diagnosed kidney disease) and requested a blood test. I took it and Dr. Hill called me back personally to congratulate me! Holy Cow! I was pregnant! It took us by surprise but we were absolutely thrilled! I had major smell aversions and morning sickness w/out the vomiting. When I told my parents they were concerned for me at first (because of the kidney thing) but then they were overjoyed at the prospect of becoming grandparents.
I was spilling a lot of protein in my urine, something that happened w/ the kidney thing but it was happening even more w/ the baby. My OB advised me to take an early leave from work at about 28 weeks, which I did and enjoyed not having to work. Things started going bad at about 34 weeks. I went tot he doctor one day and my blood pressure was elevated and my protein levels were through the roof. Dr. Ellis sent me right over to the hospital for a 3 day stay to try to control the preeclampsia. He sent me home on complete bedrest and major bp meds. I felt like a ticking bomb. My mom had me stay with her where she took excellent care of me. I made it to the first day of my 37th week and had my labor induced. I was so scared! We went to the hospital on a Monday night - my dad took me because Jay had to work (he was a cop back then). Jay came as soon as he could. I was given cervadil and told to get a good nights sleep. The next morning, they gave me pitocin. Long story short, I labored for 11 hours before the diagnosed me as "failure to progress" and scheduled me for a c-section. Still scared! My mom was at work and was a nervous wreck. She and my dad came up for the surgery and were there to see Olivia before I did. I had to be put asleep so I didn't wake up until an hour after she was born. We had long ago decided on her name - Olivia Renee - and Jay had the pleasure of announcing it to the waiting room.
When we got home, I remember my dad came over every single day to see her. We had so many visitors coming through - it was a little overwhelming! But, of course, at the time I didn't know I could say NO! I was exhausted. But it was a wonderful exhaustion. Livi was a perfect baby. She did everything the books said she should do at exactly the age she ws supposed to. How easy! I worked full time, my parents took care of her during the day. This was definitely a "honeymoon phase" of all of our lives. It was all so easy then!
We have enjoyed each milestone and welcomed her little personality developing. She is now a young woman - no longer our baby! It's hard to believe. She is so creative, she loves to read, she loves to scheme, she loves music, she loves to play, she loves gymnastics, she loves science and social studies. She is our first born. We have loved her the longest, we probably have the highest expectations of her, and the greatest hopes for her. We hope and pray that we are up to the challenge of parenting a preteen in this day and age and that we not only do an okay job but that we do an exceptional job raising her. She deserves it.
We love you Olivia! We wish you a lifetime of happiness and all of God's blessings. We love you all the way to God!
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