It was a very long day but I have to say that it was one absolutely jam packed with an abundance of blessings. I really dislike the planning part - coordinating holiday schedules with so many people, the shopping, the drawing of names, the food prep, the disgruntled relatives who don't like the plans that have been made but who have never, ever stepped up to actually host a family gathering, etc. The list is endless. At about 8:15am is was clear that it was all worth it. That is what time we headed downstairs to see if Santa had indeed come to visit. The look on those babies' faces was priceless! Santa outdid himself and made sure that each kid had a very blessed day! The excitement and enthusiasm was contagious. Well done Mr. Claus!
We had a pancake breakfast prepared on my new family sized griddle. It was wonderful to actually cook 8 pancakes at a time instead of the old fashioned way - one at a time. Breakfast was ready in no time. There was a quick clean up, I threw the ingredients of my soup entrée into the crock pot, and we all got showered and dressed to await the rest of our family. Ipods were charged, lego sets were put together, Leapsters were played with - it was a busy time! Uncle Eduardo and Paul were the first to arrive. Dad and Aunt Hilda came next - so sorry about the longer than usual drive Dad! Carol and John showed up just as we were about to eat so we ditched that and opened some more presents first. It worked out well since Hannah and Kayla were not here yet. More legos, a couple of American Girl dolls, Guitar Hero 3, a new crockpot, more get the idea. Lunch was Santa Fe soup (Thanks Stacey for the fabulous recipe), chicken nuggets/tenders on a party platter, various appetizers. It was plentiful and delicious. After we ate, guess what? More presents!!! Dream Life, FP3 player, Star Wars book, clothes, easel, cash....lots of loot. It turned out to be a wonderful day! I am thankful for my family that took the time to spend the day with us and I am thankful for all the smiles on kids faces (not just my own) that we saw today. I have to say that it truly was an exceptional Christmas Day!

Christmas Eve at Mimi's and Pawpaw's

Santa was very busy this year!
Some very excited kiddos!